Today, I would like to talk about anger. I got really angry today at my brother that I shouted at him and said things that I vowed to God that I would never say. I prayed to God that He would forgive me. Anger really does open the door to the doings of the Devil.
Anger Destroys
Anger can inhibit your thinking. At times of anger you may not be able to control yourself. And the devil finds it a chance to make you do harm. Prophet Muhammad said:
None of you should judge between two persons when he is angry. Source: al-islam
Controlling anger requires a strong heart. The Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said:
The strong man is not the one who wrestles well but the strong man is the one who controls himself when he is in a fit of rage. Source: al-islam
In the end...
Many people harmed others because of anger. Control your anger so you do not do something that you will regret :)