Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Moved to WordPress

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

I have moved to The Proud Muslim Girl on WordPress.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Hajj Maqbool Insha A Allah to those who will go for Hajj this year :)

What is Hajj?

From Reading Islam:


Being new to Islam, I would like Dr. Amir to shed quick light on how the journey of Hajj (Pilgrimage) can heal ones spiritual self.


Salam, Tom.

Thank your for your question.

The journey of Hajj can be considered as a spiritual and physical healing program or journey, because it touches upon different aspects of the human self.

Similarity of Appearance

During Hajj, pilgrims have to wear a special kind of unified and simple form of clothes. This is known to be the clothes of ihram. These clothes of ihram have a great psychological influence on the pilgrims. Each Muslim takes off his regular clothes and exchanges them for the simple clothes of ihram. With taking off the regular clothes, the Muslim also puts aside everything that these clothes represent; the profession reflected in a certain uniform, the culture represented in a specific fashion, the status reflected in the quality and price, and so on.

So, the soldier is no longer in his military uniform, the farmer is no longer in his farming suit, doctors and nurses are no longer in their white coats…. All are alike, you would not know who was who.

Also, in our daily life we find that people of different status, profession, rank or position, usually cover their heads with some kind of head cover. Mineworkers and engineers use helmets for protection, officers use different kinds of caps for status, and of course, kings and rulers use crowns for sovereignty. As for male pilgrims, they have to take off any kind of head cover as a symbol of putting aside any worldly rank or position. So, there is no shelter for the human head except the shelter of belief and obedience to the Divine.

The similarity of appearance gives the pilgrim the feeling of a lighter spirit and takes the mind to a much higher mood; becoming detached from all the worldly, materialistic glamour of career, wealth, position, and status.

Hajj is also a great meeting between brothers and sisters from all over the world. This gives the clear living example of brotherhood in Islam.

So, Hajj is a perfect treatment for people who suffer delusions of grandeur. Sometimes, high governmental positions, or wealth, or any materialistic aspect of life, make the person feel he is superior to his own brethren.

The Same Rituals

The pilgrims follow the same rules and act out the same actions, like making tawaf (circumambulation) in the same direction, or making sa`i (walking between Safa and Marwah).

In every ritual of the Hajj, there is no difference between rich and poor, strong and weak, high rank and low rank, black and white, Eastern and Western, Northerner and Southerner. All of them are equal.

This reminds us of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who was a mercy to mankind when people used to get anxious and worried when in relation to him directly. That is because he was the Prophet of Allah and His last messenger. The Prophet used to tell the person what roughly means "take it easy on yourself; I am but the son of a woman who used to eat jerky meat in the streets of Makkah."

An incident I recall here is Caliph `Umar ibn Al-Kattab (may Allah be pleased with him) when he used to lie on the ground in order to heal his soul from this feeling of grandeur or superiority, and on his trip to Jerusalem, he walked on foot while his servant rode the mule.

A Stop for a Breather

Hajj is also a very good chance for many pilgrims to stop for a breather. It is a chance to think about your life and to consider or to evaluate your past. This can be during Hajj by asking Allah to forgive your sins and to plan for a straight future, free from sins.

The journey of Hajj can also treat many physical pains and illnesses, as well as spiritual ones. Physical activities, like tawaf, sa`i, and standing on Mount `Arafah, improve physical endurance and muscle performance.

These physical activities decrease the blood glucose level for diabetic patients. Drinking enough water from Zamzam improves the urinary system and helps to get rid of small stones in the ureters or kidneys. So, Hajj purifies the person from inside, just as ablution cleans the body from outside. Hajj is a spiritual and physical purification of the self.

Also, this journey gives the mind a rest from thinking about too many things at the same time, and it makes the mind focus on only one idea, which is asking Allah for forgiveness.

An Example of Steadfastness

Hajj is also an example of steadfastness, when a person has chosen the righteous truth. Pilgrims in their rituals remember Lady Hajar, when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, peace be upon him) left her in the dry valley, where Makkah is, all by herself with her newborn baby. This was when she asked him, "Was it Allah who ordered you to this?" He answered, "Yes." She simply said what meant, "Then He won't get us lost."

This inner strength and steadfast belief in God's ability and care for his servants, which penetrated and controlled her heart, is transmitted to the heart of each pilgrim throughout the rituals of Hajj.

Each pilgrim remembers our Mother Hajar running up and down between the two hills of Safa and Marwah while she was searching for a drop of water for her child; then Allah provided her with His help and steadfastness by having the water of Zamzam flow from underneath the feet of her baby. So, the assertion of belief that takes place within the hearts of pilgrims during this obligatory worship is a divine gift from God Himself. He has said in the Qur'an what means:

*{Allah confirms those who believe by a firm saying in the life of the world and in the Hereafter, and Allah sends wrong-doers astray. And Allah doeth what He will.}* (Ibrahim 14:27)

And, in this obligatory ritual of worship we see Muslims raising their hands humbly asking Allah Almighty to give them their needs in this life. So, if they are rich they remember that their riches are a gift from God Himself.

A Training on Patience

Pilgrims also train themselves concerning patience in order to be able to complete the steps of Hajj. They raise their hands up, asking Allah to give them the virtue of patience. Allah has said in the Qur'an what means:

*{… if ye endure patiently, verily it is better for the patient.}* (An-Nahl 16:126)

As every other manner of worship in Islam, Muslim men and women during pilgrimage are equal in every step and duty. Also, Allah gave women the excuse to have someone throw the stones for them if they can not make it due to the crowd or anything of that sort. In the rest of the rituals, both men and women are equal in every single step.

Controlling Worldly Desires

Pilgrims are supposed to spend a lot of money during Hajj, just for the sake of pleasing Allah. This is another self-treatment for spiritual sicknesses like greed and miserliness. Allah has touched upon these spiritual sicknesses in the Qur'an by saying what means:

*{And the parable of those who spend their property to seek the pleasure of Allah and for the certainty 'of their souls is as the parable of a garden on an elevated ground, upon which heavy rain falls so it brings forth its fruit twofold but if heavy rain does not fall upon it, then light rain (is sufficient); and Allah sees what you do.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:265)

Here, the Muslim pilgrim overcomes such fatal spiritual sickness and is once again capable of controlling his or her worldly desires.

These are briefly some of the points through which the pilgrim can heal him or herself throughout the majestic journey of Hajj.

Thank you again and please do keep in touch.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Interest-Free Financial Transactions - Credit Cards & Today's Fiancial Crisis

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Credit cards are not interest-free. A person using a credit card is borrowing money from the bank. At the end of the month the person pays the bank back the money s/he borrowed in addition to the fee of borrowing the money! This interest is forbidden in Islam because it is unfair. Many people lose their jobs and get jailed because of the interest involved in many financial transactions.

Here is a fatwa explaining the allowed credit cards in Islamic Shari'a:

What is your opinion on the credit cards of the Faisal Islamic Bank?.

Praise be to Allaah.

There is nothing wrong with using a credit card if it is free of the following things that are forbidden according to sharee’ah:

1- Stipulating payment of interest or a penalty in the event of late payment.

2- Charging fees for issuing an uncovered card that are greater than the actual costs involved.

3- Charging a percentage of money withdrawn if the card is not covered. It is permissible to charge the actual costs only; anything more than that is riba.

4- Buying gold, silver and other currencies with it.

5- Seller adding a percentage that the bank requires him to take from the purchaser, without the purchaser being aware of that.

See also the answer to question no. 13725 and 103187.

We do not know anything about the credit card offered by the Faisal Islamic Bank.

And Allaah knows best.
God says in the Holy Quran regarding the interest (riba):

Those who swallow usury cannot rise up save as he ariseth whom the devil hath prostrated by (his) touch. That is because they say: Trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permitteth trading and forbiddeth usury. He unto whom an admonition from his Lord cometh, and (he) refraineth (in obedience thereto), he shall keep (the profits of) that which is past, and his affair (henceforth) is with Allah. As for him who returneth (to usury) - Such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein. (275) Allah hath blighted usury and made almsgiving fruitful. Allah loveth not the impious and guilty. (276) Lo! those who believe and do good works and establish worship and pay the poor-due, their reward is with their Lord and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (277) O ye who believe! Observe your duty to Allah, and give up what remaineth (due to you) from usury, if ye are (in truth) believers. (278) And if ye do not, then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and His messenger. And if ye repent, then ye have your principal (without interest). Wrong not, and ye shall not be wronged. (279) And if the debtor is in straitened circumstances, then (let there be) postponement to (the time of) ease; and that ye remit the debt as almsgiving would be better for you if ye did but know. (280) The Cow 2:275-280
And what could be the cause of the world's financial crisis other than interest?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ramadan: Time To Practice More Taqwa

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Watch this video to know about Taqwa (piety):

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Holy Month Of Ramadan

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Ramadan is the month which faithful Muslims wait for! It is the month of doing good, helping people and feeling for the poor. Ramadan is the month of testing Muslim's faithfulness, love for Allaha and the Prophet and eagerness to do good.

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims feel for the poor by being like them. From dawn to sunset, Muslims stop eating and drinking and refrain from sexuality. Muslims race to do all sorts of good and help the poor. It is a test for Muslim's obedience to Allah.

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness. Muslims seek Allah's forgiveness. And those who did sins ask Allah to help them stop doing them and repent.

Ramadan is the month of the Noble Quran. Muslims read the Quran all the year, but reading the Quran and understanding it are types of great worship in Ramadan.

Praising Allah and observing His creation is a worship too. Praising the Prophet Muhammad and studying his life in Ramadan is recommended.

Wishing you a Ramadan Mubarak!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadan Mubarak!

Peace of God and His mercy to you.


Wishing you a blissful Ramadan :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Read The Quran In Your Language!

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

If you want to read the Quran in your language, go to There are Quran translations in Burmese, Urdu, French, German, English, Spanish, Korean and in some other languages.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Miscoceptions About The Quran

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Some non-Muslims posted videos online listing what they call contradictions found in the Holy Quran. When I wanted to clarify the verses they listed I found that commenting is disabled.

What I want to say here is that we come to the same problem of not reading the verses before and after them. It was evident to me that the creator of one video was searching for specific keywords and compared the verses s/he got without trying to comprehend them in the context.

Let me explain to you in one example they referenced to. One of two verses they compared and called contradictions are:

He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascendeth unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of that ye reckon. (5) [32:5]


(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years. (4) [70:4]

Now, let us see what is before and after each verse so we can understand what is referred to in each verse. The verse from chapter 5 is within this context:

Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them, in six Days. Then He mounted the Throne. Ye have not, beside Him, a protecting friend or mediator. Will ye not then remember? (4) He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascendeth unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of that ye reckon. (5) Such is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Merciful, (6) Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay; (7) [32:4-7]

Let us read the explanation for these verses:

(Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them) of creation and marvels, (in six Days) the days of the beginning of creation which equal 1,000 years of the years of the life of this world; the first day being Sunday and the last Friday. (Then He mounted the throne) Allah was on the Throne before He created them. (Ye have not) O people of Mecca, (beside Him, a protecting friend) a relative to help you (or mediator) to intercede for you in order for you to forgo Allah's punishment. (Will ye not then remember) will you then not take admonition through the Qur'an and accept faith?

(He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth) He sends the angels with revelation, Scriptures and misfortunes; (then it ascendeth unto Him) the angels ascend to Him (in a Day, whereof the measure) the measure of its ascent for other than the angels (is a thousand years of that you reckon) of the years of the life of this world.

(Such) the Ordaining One (is the Knower of the invisible) what is hidden from the servants and will happen in the future (and the visible) that which the servants know and has already happened, (the Mighty) in retribution against the disbelievers, (the Merciful) towards the believers,

(Who made all things good which He created) He Who perfected everything He created, (and He began the creation of man) i.e. Adam (from clay) from the surface of the earth; [from, Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs]

Conclusion: These verses talk about the creation of the world.

Now we come to the verse in chapter 70. Let us see which verses are before it and after it:

A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall (1) Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel, (2) From Allah, Lord of the Ascending Stairways (3) (Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years. (4) But be patient (O Muhammad) with a patience fair to see. (5) Lo! they behold it afar off (6) While we behold it nigh: (7) The day when the sky will become as molten copper, (8) And the hills become as flakes of wool, (9) And no familiar friend will ask a question of his friend (10) Though they will be given sight of them. The guilty man will long to be able to ransom himself from the punishment of that day at the price of his children (11) And his spouse and his brother (12) And his kin that harboured him (13) And all that are in the earth, if then it might deliver him. (14) But nay! for lo! it is the fire of hell (15) Eager to roast; (16) It calleth him who turned and fled (from truth), (17) And hoarded (wealth) and withheld it. (18) [70:1-18]

Let us read the explanation for these verses:

And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (A questioner questioned): '(A questioner questioned) a caller, i.e. al-Nadr Ibn al-Harith, called (concerning the doom about to fall

Upon the disbelievers) while he is himself a disbeliever, (which none can repel) and so he was killed in captivity on the Day of Badr,

(From Allah) this punishment of the disbelievers comes from Allah, (Lord of the Ascending Stairways) the Creator of the heavens

((Whereby) the angels and the Spirit) i.e. Gabriel (ascend unto Him) unto Allah (in a Day whereof the span) the span of ascending it for other than the angels (is fifty thousand years) it is also said that this means: it is from Allah that the punishment of the disbelievers comes in a day whose span is 50,000 years; and it is also said that this means: if anyone, other than Allah, were given the reckoning of people, such reckoning would not finish in 50,000 years.

(But be patient) O Muhammad, in the face of their harm (with a patience fair to see) i.e. without anguish or display of indecency; and it is also said this means: stay away from them and show no anguish or indecency. Later, he was commanded to fight them.

(Lo! They) i.e. the disbelievers of Mecca (behold it) i.e. the doom on the Day of Judgement (afar off) it will not happen

(While We behold it nigh) it will happen, for whatever will happen in the future is near:

Allah then explained when they will be chastised, saying: (The day when the sky will become as molten copper) and it is said: like the sediments of olive oil,

(And the hills become as flakes of wool,

And no familiar friend will ask a question of his friend) no relative will ask about his relative

(Though they will be given sight of them) but will not recognise them as a result of their preoccupation with their own selves. (The guilty man) the idolater, i.e. Abu Jahl and his host; and it is said: al-Nadr Ibn al-Harith and his host (will long be able to ransom himself from the punishment of that day) the Day of Judgement (at the price of his children

And his spouse and his brother) his full brother

(And his kin) and his clan and relatives (that harboured him) to whom he belongs

(And all that are in the earth) and at the price of all that which is in the earth, (if then it might deliver him) if Allah might deliver him from the punishment.

(But nay!) truly this will not deliver him from the punishment-this is an answer to him-(for lo! it is the fire of hell

Eager to roast) the entire body; it is also said that this means: it will pluck out the hands and feet as well as all the other members of the body;

(It calleth) to itself: “come to me, O disbeliever!”, “come to me, O hypocrite” (him who turned) from Allah's divine Oneness (and fled) from faith and did not repent of disbelief,

(And hoarded (wealth)) in the life of the world (and withheld it) he put it in a container and refused to give the right of Allah which is due from it. [from, Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs]

Conclusion: These verses talk about the Day of Judgment.

I hope you do the same when trying to understand the Quran :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jesus The Prophet

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

If I was in the time of Prophet Jesus and I denied him, it would mean I denied the message he is trying to spread and denied that the god exists. At that time I would be a disbeliever not an anti-Christ. The anti-Christ mentioned in the holy books is different. He will try to make the people disbelieve in the existence of Allah. He will come before the end of time and he will be killed by Jesus, the Christ, peace be upon him.

We Muslims believe, as written in the Quran and told by Prophet Muhammad, that Prophet Jesus is a miracle from the god; not a god or a son of god. The god the Greatest can do anything a human cannot do. He created Jesus in Mary's womb. Like we were created, an Angel with our souls were sent to our mothers and had our souls into our bodies. Prophet Jesus is a great believer in Allah. He called people to believe in Him and to worship Him. Prophet Jesus himself prayed to Allah. Did he call people to pray to him? Did he pray to himself?

Do not forget that Jesus the Prophet was not sent only to the Jews. He was sent for the nonbelievers to believe in only one god. The message he carried spread to many parts of the world and people believed in the existence of a god.

If Jesus was not a Prophet, why was he given the Bible? It is a guidebook so people stop doing sins. Why? Because they are recorded and they displease Allah. You were born free of sin. Keep your soul free of sin as Jesus told you.

We believe that Allah is your god and the god of the Jews as he is the god we worship. We are not sure of the authenticity of the previous holy books. There are many versions of them and notes added to them. We are not sure if people missed with them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reading Islam

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

I love visiting this Website Reading Islam. You will find it useful :)