Friday, September 12, 2008

The Holy Month Of Ramadan

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Ramadan is the month which faithful Muslims wait for! It is the month of doing good, helping people and feeling for the poor. Ramadan is the month of testing Muslim's faithfulness, love for Allaha and the Prophet and eagerness to do good.

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims feel for the poor by being like them. From dawn to sunset, Muslims stop eating and drinking and refrain from sexuality. Muslims race to do all sorts of good and help the poor. It is a test for Muslim's obedience to Allah.

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness. Muslims seek Allah's forgiveness. And those who did sins ask Allah to help them stop doing them and repent.

Ramadan is the month of the Noble Quran. Muslims read the Quran all the year, but reading the Quran and understanding it are types of great worship in Ramadan.

Praising Allah and observing His creation is a worship too. Praising the Prophet Muhammad and studying his life in Ramadan is recommended.

Wishing you a Ramadan Mubarak!