Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Miscoceptions About The Quran

Peace of God and His mercy to you.

Some non-Muslims posted videos online listing what they call contradictions found in the Holy Quran. When I wanted to clarify the verses they listed I found that commenting is disabled.

What I want to say here is that we come to the same problem of not reading the verses before and after them. It was evident to me that the creator of one video was searching for specific keywords and compared the verses s/he got without trying to comprehend them in the context.

Let me explain to you in one example they referenced to. One of two verses they compared and called contradictions are:

He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascendeth unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of that ye reckon. (5) [32:5]


(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years. (4) [70:4]

Now, let us see what is before and after each verse so we can understand what is referred to in each verse. The verse from chapter 5 is within this context:

Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them, in six Days. Then He mounted the Throne. Ye have not, beside Him, a protecting friend or mediator. Will ye not then remember? (4) He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth; then it ascendeth unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of that ye reckon. (5) Such is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Merciful, (6) Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay; (7) [32:4-7]

Let us read the explanation for these verses:

(Allah it is Who created the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them) of creation and marvels, (in six Days) the days of the beginning of creation which equal 1,000 years of the years of the life of this world; the first day being Sunday and the last Friday. (Then He mounted the throne) Allah was on the Throne before He created them. (Ye have not) O people of Mecca, (beside Him, a protecting friend) a relative to help you (or mediator) to intercede for you in order for you to forgo Allah's punishment. (Will ye not then remember) will you then not take admonition through the Qur'an and accept faith?

(He directeth the ordinance from the heaven unto the earth) He sends the angels with revelation, Scriptures and misfortunes; (then it ascendeth unto Him) the angels ascend to Him (in a Day, whereof the measure) the measure of its ascent for other than the angels (is a thousand years of that you reckon) of the years of the life of this world.

(Such) the Ordaining One (is the Knower of the invisible) what is hidden from the servants and will happen in the future (and the visible) that which the servants know and has already happened, (the Mighty) in retribution against the disbelievers, (the Merciful) towards the believers,

(Who made all things good which He created) He Who perfected everything He created, (and He began the creation of man) i.e. Adam (from clay) from the surface of the earth; [from Altafsir.com, Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs]

Conclusion: These verses talk about the creation of the world.

Now we come to the verse in chapter 70. Let us see which verses are before it and after it:

A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall (1) Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel, (2) From Allah, Lord of the Ascending Stairways (3) (Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years. (4) But be patient (O Muhammad) with a patience fair to see. (5) Lo! they behold it afar off (6) While we behold it nigh: (7) The day when the sky will become as molten copper, (8) And the hills become as flakes of wool, (9) And no familiar friend will ask a question of his friend (10) Though they will be given sight of them. The guilty man will long to be able to ransom himself from the punishment of that day at the price of his children (11) And his spouse and his brother (12) And his kin that harboured him (13) And all that are in the earth, if then it might deliver him. (14) But nay! for lo! it is the fire of hell (15) Eager to roast; (16) It calleth him who turned and fled (from truth), (17) And hoarded (wealth) and withheld it. (18) [70:1-18]

Let us read the explanation for these verses:

And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (A questioner questioned): '(A questioner questioned) a caller, i.e. al-Nadr Ibn al-Harith, called (concerning the doom about to fall

Upon the disbelievers) while he is himself a disbeliever, (which none can repel) and so he was killed in captivity on the Day of Badr,

(From Allah) this punishment of the disbelievers comes from Allah, (Lord of the Ascending Stairways) the Creator of the heavens

((Whereby) the angels and the Spirit) i.e. Gabriel (ascend unto Him) unto Allah (in a Day whereof the span) the span of ascending it for other than the angels (is fifty thousand years) it is also said that this means: it is from Allah that the punishment of the disbelievers comes in a day whose span is 50,000 years; and it is also said that this means: if anyone, other than Allah, were given the reckoning of people, such reckoning would not finish in 50,000 years.

(But be patient) O Muhammad, in the face of their harm (with a patience fair to see) i.e. without anguish or display of indecency; and it is also said this means: stay away from them and show no anguish or indecency. Later, he was commanded to fight them.

(Lo! They) i.e. the disbelievers of Mecca (behold it) i.e. the doom on the Day of Judgement (afar off) it will not happen

(While We behold it nigh) it will happen, for whatever will happen in the future is near:

Allah then explained when they will be chastised, saying: (The day when the sky will become as molten copper) and it is said: like the sediments of olive oil,

(And the hills become as flakes of wool,

And no familiar friend will ask a question of his friend) no relative will ask about his relative

(Though they will be given sight of them) but will not recognise them as a result of their preoccupation with their own selves. (The guilty man) the idolater, i.e. Abu Jahl and his host; and it is said: al-Nadr Ibn al-Harith and his host (will long be able to ransom himself from the punishment of that day) the Day of Judgement (at the price of his children

And his spouse and his brother) his full brother

(And his kin) and his clan and relatives (that harboured him) to whom he belongs

(And all that are in the earth) and at the price of all that which is in the earth, (if then it might deliver him) if Allah might deliver him from the punishment.

(But nay!) truly this will not deliver him from the punishment-this is an answer to him-(for lo! it is the fire of hell

Eager to roast) the entire body; it is also said that this means: it will pluck out the hands and feet as well as all the other members of the body;

(It calleth) to itself: “come to me, O disbeliever!”, “come to me, O hypocrite” (him who turned) from Allah's divine Oneness (and fled) from faith and did not repent of disbelief,

(And hoarded (wealth)) in the life of the world (and withheld it) he put it in a container and refused to give the right of Allah which is due from it. [from Altafsir.com, Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs]

Conclusion: These verses talk about the Day of Judgment.

I hope you do the same when trying to understand the Quran :)